Well, I have had this camera for more than 2 years now and I can say it is GREAT, The bundle I got was a futureshop exclusive that consisted of 1 18-55mm lens (the same one thats included with all the other bundles) a 50-200mm lens, and two 2GB PNY SD cards for $850 (a sweet deal at the time)I was at the time upgrading from a 1.3 megapixel fujifilm point and shoot. When I first got the camera I was AMAZED at the quality of photos, the built in shake reduction worked wonders and the auto focus was pretty quick. The kit lenses are very good and I still use the 18-55mm for 'general' shots to this day.
After I got those 2 lenses I couldn't stop there, I went on an auction site, pawn shops, camera shops, and on Amazon and got some sweet deals,
My first purchase after I got the camera was a standalone flash unit, After 2 weeks of looking around I finally settled on a Vitar unit that works very well and got it for $50 (was the last one, and was being discontinued) After that I went to a used camera shop and picked up and older small Pentax brand camera bag, and a lens carrier for $5 (they were both in 'make me an offer' bins)
Shortly after that I went to a pawn shop and seen another Pentax brand bag (was much larger, and with some new lenses on the way was just what I needed) I opened it up and it was an older film Pentax (was an auto focus model) and it has 2 Pentax lenses in there I instantly scooped it up for $55 (can remember the mm of them don't have the lenses here:D)Then on amazon I piked up a few more lenses (A Takumar, and a mirror type lens) Both were long range type and both suited my needs. I then went on a certain auction site and picked up 7-8 lenses there, they were all either Pentax or Asahai Pentax and included a fisheye,pancake and other various sizes, unfortunately all the sliver limited edition lenses constantly went above my price limit. Now with all those lenses I needed a camera backpack, I got one for cheap ($25) It was waterproof and had very thick padding, even tho it was cheap, to this day it has held up well with no rips.
The Pentax K100D is a very rugged camera for the first year of its life it was used constantly I took it everywhere, And even now the LCD is scratch free and the camera body looks like I just bought it yesterday!
Unfortunately, after I had used this camera for a year, I lost interest in amateur photography all together, It sat in its case for over a year before I finally decided to get into it again. And even tho now it seen as 'old' and 'outdated' It still takes suburb shots, I don't think however I'll be getting anymore lenses for it anytime soon. (I only use the original 2 lenses the camera came with, so far I just use the camera occasionally)
Overall this camera is still the perfect choice for anyone wanting to upgrade to an SLR for the first time, Just beware that new lenses cost a lot of money, and you would be better off to get some second hand lenses first, to make sure you REALLY want to get into the hobby ;) Buy Pentax K100D 6.1MP Digital SLR Camera Shake Reduction and 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens!
I took this digicam on a vacation to The european union and discovered it to function really, really well. The move decrease was ideal for our goes to to mysterious galleries. The display also operates well when you need it, and it doesn't overexpose your pictures.
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