We bought this blu-ray player -- our first and only -- in early December 2008 after lots of reading and shopping. I wanted a player that would not only render blu-ray discs beautifully (as probably most 1080P-capable players do), but which would also keep our DVD collection as pleasantly watchable as possible, even by way of comparison. Concerning blu-ray, I hoped to avoid the compatibility issues which I had heard plagued other offerings out there, and I hoped to find a machine that would offer bearable load times for blu-ray titles.
Finally, as a Netflix customer, I was interested in the instant viewing aspect of the machine. But here, I had no idea what to expect, and did not let this feature weigh heavily in my decision to buy. At best, I thought it to be a bonus. At worst, it would simply go unused.
Over the almost 3 months we have owned it, this machine has surpassed all my expectations. Concerning standard definition DVDs, this unit's DVD up-conversion works extremely well. Almost all of our DVDs look very nice now, so good in fact that I am far less inclined to update our collection to blu-ray than I thought I would be. If that's important to you, then this machine is a winner. In fact, we don't use our old DVD player at all now.
Not surprisingly, blu-ray discs are breath-taking on our 52" LCD display. Load times are plenty fast, and system upgrades are flexible and easy if you have any kind of internet access. Significantly, we have had no compatibility issues with any disc.
While the quality of instant offerings from Netflix would not fare well in a brutal shootout with disc-based products, they are usually very watchable, and a pleasant way to spend an unexpected corner of time relaxing. (If the comparison helps, the quality is usually better than standard definition AppleTV, but never as good as AppleTV HD.) Thus, for us, Netflix compatibility has been a very pleasant surprise. Just remember that both broadband internet and a Netflix account are prerequisites for its use.
Likewise, we have enjoyed using Pandora's internet-based music catalogs far more than I thought I might. (With apologies to the Pandora people, I didn't even know what Pandora was before this purchase.) While we haven't used this feature frequently yet, it's a bonus we appreciate.
Bottom line: we are very pleased with this machine, and highly recommend it for your strong consideration.Buy Samsung BD-P2550 1080p Blu-ray Disc Player!