We purchased the BDHP20U as part of a package deal with the HDTV. Our first player would lock up within the first minute of loading any movie. I returned the unit to Best Buy thinking I was unlucky with the first unit.
The problems started when we attempted to play a newer HD movie (Horton hears a who). The movie required a firware upgrade. The process is pretty simple. I downloaded the files, extracted them to a good USB stick and started the process.
The unit basically said it could not read the firmware file. I decided to try a smaller USB drive (512 MB ... initial one was 2 GB). Same problem. Since I downloaded the software using Vista I went to an XP box and redownloaded the firmware file. Still no luck.
I decided to call Sharp support. The person on the phone was nice, but basically walked me through the process I already tried. After aobut 15 minutes he recommeded a system reset. That did not work. He then recommedned a unplug the unit, wait 5 minuntes, try again. I hung up, tried the process ... NO LUCK!
I called Sharp again. The lady told me the process always works and that I was doing something wrong. Not the best way to treat a customer. She told me the process ... again ... and that I'd have to pay Sharp to do the upgrade.
At this point I'm pretty ticked. The USB port was never tested in the original unit. So I am sure it is bad. I calmly discuss this with the service rep. She tells me that I am doing something wrong with the upgrade. I finally ask for someone that can give me a RMA number and waive all repair costs.
I get passed on to a new phone system. I wait for 45 mintues ... I hang up. Furstrated! I add my Case # to an email and finally get a contact through email. The person says I can return the unit and it will be fixed.
I read that it will be fixed at no cost. I guess I am an idiot :) AS it turns out the unit costs $425 to repair. Let's see a new unit is less than $400. I may be stupid, but not that stupid.
So, we have a broken BluRay. The problem is the USB Port. The USB has never been tested so Sharp can not prove that the port ever worked. I claim this MUST be fixed under warranty for NO cost. Sharp tells me they will not fix the unit and there is a $50 charge for the evaluation!
Amazing. This is absolutly the worst customer service I have seen. I work in the computer industry, so I've seen bad service.
Stay away from Sharp. No bailout here. Bad business practice should hurt.Buy Sharp Aquos BDHP20U 1080p Blu-Ray Disc Player!