I was able to view this set at a local Circuit City, and I was really impressed with this set. This is a high-end LCD screen that does not have the annoying white "glare" that many other LCDs have - the glare that makes it (for some) impressive in an in-store demo but probably annoying when you get it home and watch it for an extended period of time. Bright whites are good, but not when they have an unnatural glare to them.
I was there to look at the Panasonic 800U 50" Plasma (great THX mode and skin tones,) which I also recommend and probably plan to buy, but this screen kept catching my eye due to its excellent color, picture quality and image "naturalness." I would definitely consider this screen and compare it to higher-end Samsung LCD displays if I were in the market for an LCD, and am posting this review because you don't hear much about Mitsubishi LCDs but this display (and I imagine its 46" and non-sound-bar variants) is pretty remarkable and has some unique qualities I have not seen on other LCDs. The only screens that I've been genuinely impressed with are the 60" Pioneer Kuro Plasma, The Panasonic 800U 50" Plasma, some *very* high end Samsung LCD screens ($5-$6K), and this Mitsubishi screen.
I would describe this LCD as looking almost like a "DLP done right" - the cinematic quality of DLP with a super-wide viewing angle, and offering the clarity of and LCD, but not the artificial contrasty quality of an LCD. If no one told you this screen was an LCD, you might think it was some kind of high-quality plasma or next-gen DLP screen. Definitely worth looking at. I think it's a pretty unique screen.
[EDIT] - Another thing I forgot to mention - this screen has a high-quality *matte* (not a reflective) finish which seems to work very well. This may be why it sort of reminds me of a DLP from the future, since they typically have matte screens. A matte screen is what I think may give it that "cinematic" quality as movie and projector screens are generally always matte and not reflective like a typical LCD screen. Reflective screens tend to make the blacks look deeper and improve contrast, but I didn't feel like a reflective screen would have improved this TV.
Buy Mitsubishi LT-52149 52-Inch 1080p 120Hz LCD HDTV with Integrated Sound Projector!