Pentax K10D 10.2MP Digital SLR Camera with Shake Reduction and 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens
Last year, when on assignment in Switzerland, I used several models of digital still cameras. I carried along the K10D, carefully testing the
first "shake reduction" I was ever to try.
Usually, I am a stickler for steadiness. Since my first days as a working
professional, it was always a must to employ the use of a tripod - not
only for longer exposures - but also for general shooting. Humans holding
cameras can almost never be quite as steady as a tripod or other camera stand. Think about it, our heartbeat causing pulse and cafeine shake in
our hands is nonexistent in a tripod. People do not always stand steadily
and firm.
My tests included handheld images with the shake reduction, tripodded
images without the shake reduction, and even handheld images without the
shake reduction, all cases using manual exposure settings ranging from
1/60th to 1/1000th sec., making notes as the images were casted on the
23.5x15.7mm CCD.
There is not enough room here to detail the hundreds of exposures made
during the three-days testing. Therefore, it shall suffice to say that
the K10D with its CCD-shifting shake reduction system allowed me to make
sharper pistures with three different lenses. Comparing the images made
on the tripod with those handheld using shake reduction there is not any
notable difference at 16X. Of course, one 6MP camera I tested, which did not have image-stabilization was used solely on the tripod, and images from it were as sharp as the handheld 10MP camera (not deploying shake
reduction and in similar lighting with auto-exposure.)
Other characteristics observed: The AF points on the viewfinder are red
and illuminated for easy visibility. The LCD display is large and sharp
and visible from a wide viewing angle. The DUST REMOVAL syatem is quite
effective. It actually shakes the CCD for dust removal.
The menu is not difficult to understand. The controls are splash and dust resistant and the cabinet parts and retractable seem to be nicely fitted
The K10D had a good feel in my hands. The dials and buttons are all just
about exactly where they should be for ergonomic placement.
In the final analysis, the camera, in my judgement deserves five stars.
Robert Caselnova, photographer and owner of Cas Photo Studio & Camera Shop
Buy Pentax K10D 10.2MP Digital SLR Camera with Shake Reduction (Body Only)!