I purchased this TV on black friday and received it the following tuesday. It is perfect for gaming and graphics look amazing when I play on my xbox 360. Though the problems start occuring with image quality when you watch tv or dvd's. You will have to have cable with hd programing, which cost alot of money, as if you try to watch with an antenna it looks worse than on a standard definition tv. Though with the switch over to DTV that will change. The next problem I encountered was with my dvd player. I have a sony dvd/vcr combo player, just got it last year, and it looked very bad. The quality is similar to a movie that was recorded with a very crappy digital camera. So you will also have to buy a upscaling dvd player and get a hdmi cable. So if you get this tv, be sure to get that as well. I was able to hook the dvd player up to component and that improved it slightly but again, it looks better on a standard definition tv. I also have to switch wires around if I want to watch a tape as the vcr section of the player will not work when the dvd player is hooked up to component. Overall this is a great tv and it would have gotten 5 had it not had the major issue with image quality. Buy Sony Bravia M-Series KDL-37M4000 37-Inch 720p LCD HDTV!
วันศุกร์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552
Sony Bravia M-Series KDL-37M4000 37-Inch 720p LCD HDTV
I purchased this TV on black friday and received it the following tuesday. It is perfect for gaming and graphics look amazing when I play on my xbox 360. Though the problems start occuring with image quality when you watch tv or dvd's. You will have to have cable with hd programing, which cost alot of money, as if you try to watch with an antenna it looks worse than on a standard definition tv. Though with the switch over to DTV that will change. The next problem I encountered was with my dvd player. I have a sony dvd/vcr combo player, just got it last year, and it looked very bad. The quality is similar to a movie that was recorded with a very crappy digital camera. So you will also have to buy a upscaling dvd player and get a hdmi cable. So if you get this tv, be sure to get that as well. I was able to hook the dvd player up to component and that improved it slightly but again, it looks better on a standard definition tv. I also have to switch wires around if I want to watch a tape as the vcr section of the player will not work when the dvd player is hooked up to component. Overall this is a great tv and it would have gotten 5 had it not had the major issue with image quality. Buy Sony Bravia M-Series KDL-37M4000 37-Inch 720p LCD HDTV!
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