The t.v. has the best picture I've seen out of all the 32 inch t.v.s I came across.(Panasonic, Sony, Samsung, Toshiba, Vizio, etc) It contains all the inputs needed for video game systems and cable t.v. The blacks are black and the colors are spot on. My Xbox 360 looks absolutely amazing on it. You can watch this t.v. in a bright room with the sun pointing at it and still clearly see the picture. With other t.v.s you can see your reflection on it and that distracts from the picture. This t.v. has NO glare at all. It's perfect for a daytime and nighttime setting.
One other thing I like about this t.v. is that is has no ghosting. Ghosting whether playing on the Xbox 360 or watching regular t.v. was a lot more evident on the other t.v.s I listed. Most notable was the Samsung and the Vizio where the ghosting was horrendous. I feel very happy to have finally found a t.v. without this annoyance.
This t.v. contains all the features that other t.v.s have but it's not expensive like them. At the price it is now, it is truly a steal and a t.v. that you won't regret purchasing. Heck if it was a couple of hundred dollars more I'd still get it!
Update: After having the t.v. for a while I got to admit, SD on this t.v. looks really good. I know an HDTV isn't meant for standard definition, but for people who don't have some kind of high definition setup they won't be disappointed. Out of all the HDTVs I've had, the SD is the best on this one. Also HD on this t.v. seems to make sense. It's not to sharp and not to blurry but just right. The sharpness seems to make sense in terms of the detail you can see compared to other HDTVs. I will continue to update as I test with more sources. (dvd players, cable boxes, game consoles, computers/laptop, etc.)Buy Zenith Z32LC6D 32-Inch 720p LCD HDTV!