I bought this tv in March of 2006 from SAMs to use in the kitchen of my vacation home. Shortly after I got it (July of 2006) I had problems. When I turned the set on the green light would come on but almost at once the green light would go out and the red light would come on in it's place. No picture, no sound, nothing. I called customer service and went through a couple of tests and was told to send it back by FedEx - which Phillips didn't pay for. I would think that if the set was under warranty they should pay shipping but they didn't. I got a different set back (different serial #)in a month to 6 weeks and it seemed to work fine but a couple of weeks later I noticed that when I would turn the set on the picture would come on but no sound! However I discovered that if I turned the set off and back on I had sound. I called Phillips and reported this but they didn't know what was causing this. Since it did work I didn't want to pay the freight to send it back again and get another one that might do the exact same thing so I got a case number and made a record of the problem. Then in December of 2008 I had exactly the same problem I had the first time (green light then red light no pic no sound) I called Phillips again and was told that I would have to take it in for repair but the set was out of warranty. When I gave them the two case numbers from before they had no record of those cases. The woman said that they probably cleaned out the database and deleted old cases after some period of time.
I called the phone # of the service center she gave me and was told that it would cost me $89 non refundable to have the problem diagnosed. She also told me that there were very few parts listed for this set and even if they couldn't get the parts to fix it I would still have to pay $89.
My advise is not to buy this set.Buy Philips 20PF5120 20-Inch Flat LCD TV!