Do not let the three-star review concern you too much, I am pleased with this television purchase. However, the picture quality, clarity, and color saturation are not great but still a good value at the price. Similarly, the sound control is nightmarish. Anyone using this screen for television watching is advised to keep the set permanently muted and to wire the sound through ANY other speaker you can find. All in all, this is an average screen at a somewhat below average price. I would recommend this as a nice step into flat screen technology for those who aren't looking to drop the additional hundreds/thousands for a Samsung or Pioneer set but still want the improvements in television technology.Buy Philips 47PFL7422D/37 47-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV!
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Philips 47PFL7422D/37 47-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV
Do not let the three-star review concern you too much, I am pleased with this television purchase. However, the picture quality, clarity, and color saturation are not great but still a good value at the price. Similarly, the sound control is nightmarish. Anyone using this screen for television watching is advised to keep the set permanently muted and to wire the sound through ANY other speaker you can find. All in all, this is an average screen at a somewhat below average price. I would recommend this as a nice step into flat screen technology for those who aren't looking to drop the additional hundreds/thousands for a Samsung or Pioneer set but still want the improvements in television technology.Buy Philips 47PFL7422D/37 47-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV!
วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Westinghouse 40" LCD TV/ DVD Combo- LTV-40W1HDC
I purchased this television from my local Sam's Club for $900, it worked fine for six months and had a most beautiful picture. One evening I went to power it up and nothing would was dead. I could not believe it!! I tried new batteries for the remote, a new power cord, new remote control and kaput. This TV was a bedroom set and received very little use, maybe 300 actual hours over a six month period of time. I did not buy the extended warranty from Sam's Club because Westinghouse offered a one year warranty. I figured if anything was to happen with the set it would be in the first year and Westinghouse would honor their warranty.....well. I called Westinghouse to inform them of my situation and they offered me three choices: send them the television, drive to my "local" approved dealer or have a tech come to my home. I live in Seattle, to have the 80lb television sent to Armadillo, Texas it would cost over 100 dollars and they do not reimburse for shipping, my approved Westinghouse dealer is in Vancouver, Washington nearly on the Oregon boarder, a 2 1/2 hour drive. I decided the best choice would be for the tech to come to my home. I was informed there would be a non refundable 75 dollar fee and they would not guarantee reimbursement for the repair however I would need to pay the tech at the time of service. I asked the representative what kind of warranty Westinghouse considers this to be? He simply replied that this is their policy and these were my choices. I found this to be unacceptable and contacted my local Sam's Club. I told them about my ordeal and the manager told me to bring the television back and they would offer me a full credit for the product. Thank you for your great customer service Sam's Club, in the future I will buy an extended warranty from the place of purchase.Buy Westinghouse 40" LCD TV/ DVD Combo- LTV-40W1HDC!
วันศุกร์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Samsung HL-S5687W 56-Inch 1080p DLP HDTV
Amazing tv.... while it worked. After 16 months my wife and I were watching The Office (in HD of course) and the screen turned into a blocky green mess for a split second and shut off completely. Samsung was nice enough to extend the warranty AFTER I had the local recommended repairmen say that he had seen a thousand of these models with the same problems. I called Samsung and insisted that they should own up to their manufacturing defects and they did (make sure you get to the second line of their customer service -the "ECR", they can do a lot more to help you). We have had a total of 3 seperate repair visits (very nice guys) and numerous parts ordered over the course of a month - This would of cost way more than the actual cost of the tv when it was new if I had paid out of my own pocket. They have replaced every internal part of the tv and it still is useless. It is now looking as if Samsung will be purchasing us a new tv. If it still worked and there were not countless other internet forums devoted to Samsungs faulty DLP, then I would give this product a 5 start rating. A 5 star product for the first year, then it might as well be a 56" brick. One star from me because I cannot give it a negative score. Buy Samsung HL-S5687W 56-Inch 1080p DLP HDTV!
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Toshiba REGZA Cinema Series 40XF550U 40-Inch 1080p 120Hz LCD HDTV

We haven't had the 40FX550 for long but it is everything we wanted and more. The colors are perfect right out of the box and the features just keep on coming. The last feature that we found and one of our favorites is "Stable Sound", it keeps the volume from going through the roof when the movie goes from whispered voices to screaming loud action or when those annoyingly loud commercials come on. Great product.Buy Toshiba REGZA Cinema Series 40XF550U 40-Inch 1080p 120Hz LCD HDTV!
วันพุธที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Mintek 37-Inch LCD HDTV with Built-in Progressive Scan DVD Player
I just returned my Mintek 26" LCD HDTV. The company is currently out of business. They were implicated in portable DVD players with batteries that caught on fire, back in 2005. The issues are consistent for all of their products; they work fine for a brief time, then either the in-slot DVD stops working, or the buttons on the actual TV stop working, making it impossible to watch anything but the last DVD you put in (in my case, it was my son's Thomas the Train video. I still have nightmares). All that being said, please do a thorough internet review before considering ANY Mintek product!!!! Most companies will stand by their warranty, even after going out of business. These guys do not!!Buy Mintek 37-Inch LCD HDTV with Built-in Progressive Scan DVD Player!
mintek 37 inch lcd hdtv with built in progressive scan dvd player,
philips 37pf9631d 37 inch lcd hdtv with ambilight,
sharp lc26dv22u 26 inch lcd tv with built in dvd player,
sony bravia m series kdl 26m3000 26 inch 720p lcd hdtv,
sony kdf60xbr950 60 inch lcd projection tv,
toshiba regza 40rf350u super narrow 40 inch 1080p lcd hdtv
วันอังคารที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Sharp LC26DV22U 26-Inch LCD TV with Built-In DVD Player
After six months of ownership, this TV began turning itself on randomly. The main circuit board was replaced. The TV still turns itself on. (However, the sound is now improved significantly!) We expect to have the TV replaced. No one seems to know why it turns itself on. The circuit board took four months to be delivered after the initial complaint. We were told the part was backordered. Maybe our complaint is a common one?Buy Sharp LC26DV22U 26-Inch LCD TV with Built-In DVD Player!
วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Sony Bravia M-Series KDL-26M3000 26-Inch 720p LCD HDTV
I bought this TV several months ago and I've been very happy with it. The picture is crisp and the sound is good (most of the time I can set it in the low 20's). The remote doesn't have a lot more buttons than the number pad but how many more do you need? Menu navigation is easy; I can quickly turn on closed captioning when needed and then turn it off. I purchased the cables required to connect my laptop to the TV so I can watch shows on the Internet on my TV. That setup is quick and easy. Overall, a TV I'd recommend.Buy Sony Bravia M-Series KDL-26M3000 26-Inch 720p LCD HDTV!
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Philips 37PF9631D 37-Inch LCD HDTV with Ambilight
Bought this product in April 2007. Within 2 months, the main board failed and was replaced under warranty. In March 2009, I got what is starting to become known as the red blinks of death. The TV wouldn't turn on. The tech told me that Philips manufactured the device with a resistor of the wrong resistance and they are aware of the issue but won't issue a recall or offer to repair. With parts and labor, this cost several hundred dollars. I won't buy another Philips TV. Buy Philips 37PF9631D 37-Inch LCD HDTV with Ambilight!
วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
SONY KDF60XBR950 60-Inch LCD Projection TV
Since I have been searching on this issue for about a week now I thought it would be useful to record my experience for those of you who might be looking to pick up one of these sets used.
For almost 5 years (this December) our 60XBR950 has performed admirably with good brightness, color, and decent contract/blacks given it is a rear projection LCD. Up to a couple of weeks ago I would have given it high recommendations, and in fact picked up a smaller version of the same set for my in laws just over a year ago.
However, as I have found out personally and via some internet searching this set and its cousins have some quality issues with regard to the optical block. I noticed a few weeks ago while watching a football game that the center of the screen was slightly grayer than the rest. This problem has progressed a bit to the point where I am seeing:
1. A definite fade in colors in the center of the screen. I believe it is the green LCD but haven't put a green-only image on the screen to check this out.
2. When my Vista Media Center menus are on the screen for an extended period of time I get some blue streaking through subsequent video. This tends to fade after a bit. Note that I never saw this before so it may be related to issue #1.
The good news in all of this (hopefully) is that I purchased a 5-year extended warranty on the set when I got it back in 2003. This was through Tweeter, which isn't in business in my area anymore, but is still around elsewhere. I am digging out the receipt this weekend and hopefully they will be able to take care of me. It is not clear whether Sony's extended coverage of the set applies to me, and I have also seen reports that they tend to replace your old optical block with a refurbished one that may or may not have other problems....Buy SONY KDF60XBR950 60-Inch LCD Projection TV!
วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Toshiba REGZA 40RF350U Super Narrow 40-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV
Im another buyer where size was the main factor in its purchase. I have an heirloom quality TV armoire that is simply NOT going anywhere so I wanted to fit the biggest screen possible into it. With the thin frame, I put this TV in place of a 37. I've experienced no problems with it (knock on wood) and I bought it in November of 2007 with an extended warranty from Circuit City. I also think it is simply elegant and really beats the silver one I had before. Picture quality is superior to me imo. Critics seem to be overcritical. The greens and blues are distinct enough for me.Buy Toshiba REGZA 40RF350U Super Narrow 40-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV!
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
LG 20LS7D 20-inch 720p LCD HDTV
I agree with the folks who say the speakers on this TV are lacking, however the TV comes with an audio jack built in the back so you can add headphones or external speakers. The picture on this is great for a 20 inch. It looks great and functions well. Buy LG 20LS7D 20-inch 720p LCD HDTV!
hitachi p42a202 42 inch 1080i plasma hdtv,
lg 20ls7d 20 inch 720p lcd hdtv,
lg 32lb9d 32 inch 720p lcd hdtv,
sony grand wega kdf 50e2000 50 inch 3lcd rear projection television,
sony wega m series klv 23m1 23 inch widescreen hd ready flat panel lcd television silver,
toshiba regza 52rv530u 52 inch 1080p lcd hdtv
วันพุธที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Sony WEGA M-Series KLV-23M1 23-Inch Widescreen HD-Ready Flat Panel LCD Television, Silver

Got this Sony WEGA 23" LCD about two years ago. It's been great.
Very stylish looking. Still looks good today.
Picture quality is outstanding, stood out above the rest at the store when they were all turned on. I've have friends comment how clear the picture is when they've come to my house.
The stock sound is great for a 23". I didn't realize this until I purchased another LCD TV and its stock sound was terrible.
Overall, been a great TV and still working great.
I recently purchases another LCD TV from a less established brand (Mintek) and was disappointed in the picture quality and the sound (especially compared to my Sony sitting next to it). The experience has enhanced my brand view of Sony Quality.
-J.Clark / San Jose, CA
Buy Sony WEGA M-Series KLV-23M1 23-Inch Widescreen HD-Ready Flat Panel LCD Television, Silver!
วันอังคารที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Hitachi P42A202 42-Inch 1080I Plasma HDTV
This is my first HDTV and I am very pleased with it. The picture quality is outstanding. Here are some of my comments, in no particular order....
First, as I write this (9/3/2008) Amazon's description of the item is incorrect. They list it as a 720p receiver. It is actually 1080i. Verified at Hitachi's web site, where you can download a PDF specification sheet, also the owner's manual states it is 1080i.
The owner's manual leaves a lot to be desired. Descriptions of some of the features ("E-Save" for example) are inadequately covered, or not at all.
There is only one S-Video input, and that is on the side of the set, not the back.
The component video inputs on the back will also accept composite video... a GOOD thing!
You can rename each input source from predefined choices, like PVR, DVD, etc. It would be nice to be able to create your own names (like "TiVo" for example).
Setup was very easy. I connected the set to cable, and the built-in tuner found all the analog and digital channels available, and quite a few that had no programming on them (requiring a few minutes of editing of the channel list). Nitpick: you cannot add channels to the channel list manually. You must let the set scan for channels, then mark the ones you want to skip over.
The set's tuner is NOT CableCARD equipped.
Overall, I would recommend this set highly. It has a lot of inputs, including 3 HDMI inputs, a great tuner, lots of features and amazing picture quality.Buy Hitachi P42A202 42-Inch 1080I Plasma HDTV!
วันจันทร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
LG 32LB9D 32-inch 720p LCD HDTV
I've had the 32LB9D for about 9 months now, and I have to say I am constantly amazed by its quality! Especially when comparing with my friends' Sony, Panasonic, and Sharp TVs.
First off is the picture quality. Out of the box, the "Intelligent Eye" mode is quite interesting ... for me it sufficed for a few weeks, after which I delved into the more detailed picture adjustments. Do yourself a favor: get a copy of any DVD that has picture adjustment features (I used ratatouille) and take the 10 minutes needed to adjust brightness, contrast, and color. With these adjustments, this TV looks better than just about any other I've seen in any nearby price range (I got the TV for $600 at the time).
In addition, I often connect this TV as an additional monitor to my MacBook Pro via HDMI, and man is the quality amazing! All text is VERY clear to read even from across the room, and my friends are always commenting on how nice it is to watch youtube videos & online TV shows on this TV.
Next up are the connection options, of which we all know this TV has PLENTY so not much more needs to be said about that. However, I have found one caveat. The digital audio output of the TV will only output Dolby signals; it will NOT output DTS signals! I found this out the hard way: my Blu-ray player was connected via HDMI to the TV, and TV digital audio output to surround sound receiver. When I played a disc containing DTS audio, my receiver only reported getting stereo audio from the TV. Of course, the simple solution to that is to send audio directly from the component to the receiver, which is why I didn't take off a star for this (I would take off 1/4 of a star if I could) :)
Which leads me to the TV's own audio system. To be honest, the built-in speakers are underpowered. If you rely on your TV as the audio source, you'll find yourself raising the volume to very high levels at times, and even then the speakers will sound kinda blown. This would cost the TV another 1/4 star in my review, so I guess we're down to what, 4.5 stars? :D One nice thing about the TV's audio is the simulated surround sound that it can do, which can be pretty cool to hear at times.
Overall, I've had no regrets about this TV at all. The lack of DTS audio output was a bit annoying at first, but any traditional home theater setup has audio going from the component directly to the home theater receiver anyway. The underpowered speakers aren't that much of an issue either; they'll definitely work in a medium sized room if you don't have a better audio setup.Buy LG 32LB9D 32-inch 720p LCD HDTV!
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Sony Grand WEGA KDF-50E2000 50-Inch 3LCD Rear Projection Television
Unfortunately after owning this set for 18 months, it has developed a blue haze in the upper right and upper left corners of the screen. It seems that this issue has appeared in several Sony rear proj. LCD models including this one. It's very expensive to repair and seems to stem from dust infiltration which is inevitable. The cost of repair exceeds half of the origainal purchase price. Lamps are expensive as well. Perhaps a full LCD set would be a better choice (i.e. Sharp or Vizio) with no moving parts.Buy Sony Grand WEGA KDF-50E2000 50-Inch 3LCD Rear Projection Television!
วันเสาร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Toshiba REGZA 52RV530U 52-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV
I bought this to replace one of the Samsung 40"ers I won playing poker (long story). I wanted BIGGER than the 40 and caught this at a good price early xmas eve, so most of my comparison is to the Samsung it replaced. The Good: Bigger is better, much deeper and richer blacks, does not blur with speed ie football game etc, better viewing angle, better anti glare, auto channel scan picks up much more channels and much faster, auto channel scan auto tunes both cable, digital and analog tv signals and locked them in with 1 sweep, deeper and more detailed menu and options. Lots of manual pic size adjustments, 4 hdmi inputs, remote passthru
The Bad (or not so good): Colors are not as bright or sharp. Colors are not as 'REAL' ie skin tone etc. Sound system mediocre even with SRS wow, eq and enhancements (I use a very hi end audio system for movies anyway) remote kinda clutery and not friendly and range not good, deep menu and manual also clutery and somewhat unfriendly, fixed stand does not swival, only 1 cable/antenna input, so it is not possible to hookup both a Cable line and an (hdtv) antenna, 1 side input port, but no front port. Lots of manual size and pic adjustments, but the Samsung had auto settings for most and did it very well.. (who wants to go through lots of menu stuff when going from a widescreen dvd to a regulaor dvd) Has a "Game Mode" but it really sucks compared to the Samsung's.
Overall I am happy and satisfied with my purchase. The picture comparison to my old Samsung is a wash. Blacks better on Toshiba, Colors better on Samsung, but Toshiba doesn't blur. Features about the same, but Toshiba had more manual adj and samsung more automatic. Last, this TV looks good, but was not the best in the store. The store had approx 40 tv's going all same channel and all of the 120hz pics where better, but some of the normal Samsung and Sony pics where somewhat better. All the other cheaper or 'off' brands like LG Vizio etc clearly had a much worse pic. I purchased this because the pic was certainly good to very good and the price was right $1100 + tax.Buy Toshiba REGZA 52RV530U 52-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV!
วันศุกร์ที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Magnavox 15MF400T 15-Inch LCD TV
I can't find anyhting to like about this TV other than multiple inputs, everything about its performance is mediocre.Buy Magnavox 15MF400T 15-Inch LCD TV!
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
HP SL4778N 47-Inch 1080p MediaSmart LCD HDTV
-I had to have the mother board replaced twice, the entire tv replaced once, the firmware card replaced once, and everything still wasn't working right. HP gave me my money back. In summary: lousy tv. Great company. Buy HP SL4778N 47-Inch 1080p MediaSmart LCD HDTV!
วันพุธที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Toshiba REGZA 52HL167 52-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV
I had this tv for one year and few days when I noticed dead pixels in an oval shape in the center of the screen. The Toshiba Service reps are horrible and they are refusing to cover this as it is 1 year and 10 days old. I am done with Toshiba products and wouldn't be surprised if this company goes bankrupt because of such bad products and customer service.Buy Toshiba REGZA 52HL167 52-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV!
วันอังคารที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Toshiba 15DLV77 15" LCD TV with Built-In DVD Player
I, too, was thrilled with this television when I first received it. It has been a pleasure to use in my kitchen, until recently. First, it decided that sometimes it would play a disc and another time it would say it was an "incorrect disc." Now it has chosen to eliminate channels, willy nilly. Channel scan just shows every number from 2 to 69, except for the local channels we've been watching for the 2 years we've had it.
Toshiba cusomer service knows less about the TV than I do....
so, it will get 1 star from me. Such a product, at such a price should last more than 2 years in my opinion.Buy Toshiba 15DLV77 15" LCD TV with Built-In DVD Player!
lcd tv with built in dvd player,
toshiba 15dlv77 15
วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
SONY KV-40XBR800 FD Trinitron(R) XBR(R) Wega(TM) Color TV
I have owned this television for 3 years now and I am just as satisfied today when I power it up as I was the day I took it out of the box. The color is superb and the 40" screen is the ONLY one of its kind in a tube television. Sony has definitely proven itself worthy with this television. It's HD ready and the color/picture quality is unmatched by other tubes. You will even be hard pressed to find a LCD/Plasma in this size to compare w/ the quality. Definitely worth the time/money IF you can find one!!!! The ONLY drawback is this beauty's size/weight, find a good/strong friend to help you load/unload this beast!! Otherwise, you will get to experience EVERY single feature of this tv as you nurse your hernia!!!!!Buy SONY KV-40XBR800 FD Trinitron(R) XBR(R) Wega(TM) Color TV!
720p plasma hdtv,
coby electronics corp coby 13 tv with dvd digital tv,
lcd portable tv,
lg 50py3d 50,
panasonic th 50pz700u 50 inch 1080p plasma hdtv,
philips 32pfl3403d27 32 inch 720p lcd hdtv,
sharp aquos lc52d82u 52 inch 1080p lcd hdtv,
sony fdl pt22 2,
sony kv 40xbr800 fd trinitronr xbrr wegatm color tv,
westinghouse 19,
westinghouse sk 32h590d 32 inch lcd hdtv with built in dvd player,
widescreen tft color lcd tv ltv 19w6
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Philips 32PFL3403D/27 32-Inch 720p LCD HDTV
I bought this tv along with a PS3 and Philips 1000watt surround sound. When I was buying I was looking for a tv that handled movement well and this was the one that caught my eye. HD/BluRay looks amazing on it and it looks in my opionion much better then a friends LG, which he paid a few hundred more for.
The remote is plain and simple. As with most remotes I wish it had some back lighting.
The one problem I had with the tv was when I tried hooking up the surround, PS3, and tv together; the surround didn't want to play the ps3 sound. I was running all HDMI cables. The sound would play but cut out. I talked to Philips about this and they suggested a digital coaxial cable which fixed the problem.
Overall I'm extremely happy with this tv and Philips. Philips customer service has been great.Buy Philips 32PFL3403D/27 32-Inch 720p LCD HDTV!
720p plasma hdtv,
coby electronics corp coby 13 tv with dvd digital tv,
lcd portable tv,
lg 50py3d 50,
panasonic th 50pz700u 50 inch 1080p plasma hdtv,
philips 32pfl3403d27 32 inch 720p lcd hdtv,
sharp aquos lc52d82u 52 inch 1080p lcd hdtv,
sony fdl pt22 2,
westinghouse 19,
westinghouse sk 32h590d 32 inch lcd hdtv with built in dvd player,
widescreen tft color lcd tv ltv 19w6
วันเสาร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Coby Electronics Corp Coby 13' Tv With Dvd Digital Tv & Dvd Player
The first TV arrived broken. The replacement arrived within a few days. By the time we got the antenna adjusted, which took about 20 minutes. The DTV stopped working. is an amazing company as they are very fast, and uncomplicated receiving either a replacement or refund. Too bad the TV is not built very well. Buy Coby Electronics Corp Coby 13' Tv With Dvd Digital Tv & Dvd Player!
720p plasma hdtv,
coby electronics corp coby 13 tv with dvd digital tv,
lcd portable tv,
lg 50py3d 50,
panasonic th 50pz700u 50 inch 1080p plasma hdtv,
sharp aquos lc52d82u 52 inch 1080p lcd hdtv,
sony fdl pt22 2,
westinghouse 19,
westinghouse sk 32h590d 32 inch lcd hdtv with built in dvd player,
widescreen tft color lcd tv ltv 19w6
วันศุกร์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Sony FDL-PT22 2.2" LCD Portable TV
The screen has to be at the correct angle to maximize the
view but it is an amazing little TV. I've had mine for about 2 years, It's dependable.Buy Sony FDL-PT22 2.2" LCD Portable TV!
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
LG 50PY3D 50" 720p Plasma HDTV
This TV has an amazing picture from every source that I have hooked up to it (Comcast HD, XBox 360, PS3 & Blu Ray). That's the end of the good news.
The customer service folks from LG are not all that helpful and you'll get transfered a few times before getting to the TV Warrany people. I spent 55 minutes on the phone during my last experience, the majority of that time was spent listening to elevator music, waiting to get an appointment with one of their authorized repair goons. My Amazing picture has been amazingly broken for 37 days now ... they've made two attempts to fix it and both failed (well, actually, one succeeded for about 4 hours), the remainder of that 37 days has been spent waiting on backorder parts and rescheduling appointments.
Hopefully yours will not break down because LG, although they claim to be the greatest company since sliced peanut butter, do not blink at allowing a customer to sit with a broken product for over a month during the holidays. I purchased two LCD TV's for Christmas and you can bet your sweet rear that they do not have an "LG" label on them.
Did I already mention that it looked great while it worked (almost a whole year).Buy LG 50PY3D 50" 720p Plasma HDTV!
วันพุธที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Sharp Aquos LC52D82U 52-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV
Bought the tv as a Circuit City close-out. Was defective when I brought it home. I assumed Sharp would replace it with new since it is 2 days old. They are insisting on a repair after a week wait. I had to call twice to get that info. Very disappointing customer service. Very disappointing experience with Aquos so far. Buy Sharp Aquos LC52D82U 52-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV!
วันอังคารที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Westinghouse SK-32H590D 32-Inch LCD HDTV with Built-In DVD Player
I bought a SK-26H590D refurbished from on 11/29/08. I used it for a week, and then the TV display became garbled and the TV wouldn't respond to any buttons. I had to unplug it. I tried it again and it worked for 4 minutes and then the same thing happened. So, I called Westinghouse support, and they said I would have to send the unit back *at my expense*.
It took two months to get a replacement TV. On the plus side, the unit they sent is a SK-32H590D (I assume because they didn't have any 26 inch refurbished sets available) Now I noticed that the DVD player doesn't resume. According to the user's manual, when the stop button is pressed once, and then the play button is pressed, the DVD player will resume. This does not happen. The manual also states that if the stop button is pressed twice, the resume point will clear.
According to D. Trotter below, there's a setting in the DVD setup for resume. I don't know what he's smoking, but no such setting exists. There is a setting for auto awake, but that's completely different from resume. I thought it might be a firmware update, but I cannot get to the firmware updates page. After I enter my serial number, the web page states that the serial number I entered does not match their records, even though I registered the serial. They were quick to send me an e-mail promoting an extended warranty though.
Pros: Picture Quality although not the best I've seen is acceptable for an LCD TV of this size. Sound is also acceptable. The menu is easy to navigate.
Cons: Reliability, based on my experiences above. DVD player is worthless if it doesn't resume. Channel setup is some what quirky, given that you have to scroll through all the channels one by one to select/deselect. It would have been nice to have a page advance feature.
Buy Westinghouse SK-32H590D 32-Inch LCD HDTV with Built-In DVD Player!
วันจันทร์ที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Panasonic TH-50PZ700U 50-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV
Bought this after reading in Consumer Reports that it was the best they'd ever tested. I couldn't be happier with it. No complaints. Wonderful picture. You'll need external speakers, though. The internal ones are just so-so (I guess that is a complaint, but a minor one).Buy Panasonic TH-50PZ700U 50-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV!
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