Finally time to upgrade from the portable black & white. Had a little Christmas money & started shopping around. First was looking at the larger sized Olivia's at Target & Kmart. They seemed like quite the realestate for the $. Checked around & after listening to some of the online horror stories on returns, I got a little spooked. After a lot more review reading online, everything seemed to point to Samsung & Toshiba. Started checking them out at Circuit City & they looked fine, but the picture of the LG seemed to really pop, compaired to the other two. Had not planned at all on LG, but was really taken by the side by side picture comparison. Didn't seem like it mattered which size you were looking at, LG seemed a little better. Hemmed & hawed for a couple of days & thought I'd go see what Best Buy had to offer. Wasn't all that up on Best Buy & really wanted to give C.C. the business, but Best Buy had a reboxed unit for a really great price. Again, tried to be very subjective on the picture quality as they had all three brands & darn-it, no matter what size you looked at, from the big 40somethings on down, LG seemed to have a picture that was more alive.
I really wanted to get a bigger screen, & after watching the Super Bowl on it, it's not the best for watching sports on - size wise - but I felt quite good with myself for not having to put anything on the credit card. Paid off is a much better feeling.
So, it's been several months now, have pretty well mastered the set & am still quite happy with the purchase. It's a really great looking set, you can get some pretty impressive sound out of the stock speakers, you can see it from some extreem side angles - happy all around.
Lot's of inputs, but have only used the DVD & VHS hookups so far. I'd definitatly recommend this little LG. - As a side note, just got back from a hotel in Colorado Springs that had LG 42"ers in the rooms. The maintenace guys told me that the ones they got had issues with high elevation. Might want to check into that, if applicable.Buy LG 26LC7D 26-inch 720p LCD HDTV!