For the last six weeks, we have enjoyed having Sony's Bravia KDL-46WL140 W series Full HD 1080p HDTV grace the wall of the family room, a spot previously hidden by a large wooden media cabinet that contained a 37" JVC CRT TV. The contrast in clarity and sharpness between the two TVs is amazing, and the Sony's crystal clear picture on HD TV shows just how much technology has changed in just nine years.
Before buying this model, I was looking for a flat screen with plenty of HDMI inputs (not that we need them now, but in three years, who knows?), a TV that itself was not ugly or overstated (didn't want any touches of red or other colors as I was not buying a car), and a TV that would make me stop and stare at the picture. A bit of research preceded my expedition to find the right TV (we were saving change for quite some time), and this model was the one I kept coming back to at the large consumer club where I bought it. The other TVs, all getting their feed from the same in-store source and all subject to the same harsh overhead lighting, all paled in comparison. (Plus, this was the last one in the store, showing that I was not alone in my opinion.)
We installed this 46 inch on a Sanus rack, and actually our measuring was the most time-consuming part of the installation. The set up menus were easy to follow, and the we had the TV up and running in about 30 minutes. We have tried out some of the options, and after some initial tweaking in the deeper levels of the menus, have not tended to leave the settings as is. I suspect once we add a blu-ray DVD player, we will need to reexamine the options.
It took a bit longer for me to figure out all the inputs and get the surround sound working through my older non-HDMI receiver, but I agree with others, that the TV's sound is a bit anemic, and the added muscle from surround sound really enhances movies and concerts.
Guests have all commented on the quality of the picture and the size of the 46 inch screen. For us, this is plenty of TV, and we should be "future proof" for a few years yet. I have not yet hooked up the Internet component (though it is installed) but plan to run an ethernet cable directly from a router to the TV in the next few weeks.Buy Sony's Bravia KDL-46WL140 W series Full HD 1080p HDTV!