I got mine about 6 months ago after much comparison shopping.The cabinet is slim but,put together like a tank.You can feel the quality and admire the beauty of the cabinet while setting up.I have dish network hd and cannot believe the depth and clarity of the picture on this LG set. The unit looks like a fine piece of piano furniture in my tv room.The set-up is a snap with hdmi or analog cables and pretty much is ready to run right out of the huge box.The remote is set up decently however,with all the components I chose the logitec 880 remote to simlify things.Whether its satalite,dvd,dvr,blue-ray.the pictue looks almost 3-d. My friends all have big screen,most of them dlp and they always come to my house to watch the big game or movie. This tv has the quality and technoligy to last for years with no regrets.Nick C Stratford,ct.
Buy LG 52LG60 52-Inch 1080p 120hz LCD HDTV, Gloss Piano Black with Scarlet Red!