Don't put any stock in the specs. First, the TV's slideshow feature DOES NOT support .alb files, even though it clearly states so in every spec sheet I have ever read, and it says explicitly so in the manual. The email and telephone customer support is terrible - they have no idea what you are talking about when you call. The email support does not allow you to respond to answers they give you (sent from an unattended email address). Finally, if you want to use this TV to do business presentations or show slideshows from a USB camera, drive, or flash device, you CANNOT SORT THE IMAGES. The TV does not sort by name, number, date, or anything that makes logical sense.
I happen to have discovered how the sorting is done, and was able to fix the issue myself with a third-party app that runs on Windows (it's easier in Linux). However, I am not giving up the secret because Philips does not deserve this service from me. The infuriated me so badly, I will never buy another Philips product.
Otherwise, the TV has mediocre performance, poor menus, and a bad remote.
Don't listen to all of the other reviews that say good connectivity. An LCD without PC input (except HDMI)?! What?! If it had PC input I wouldn't care so much about the USB stuff, but I can't do a presentation on this without going out and buying an HDMI capable laptop. (Don't tell me about S-Video - the picture is AWFUL on this TV).
DO NOT BUY THIS TV!Buy Philips 47PFL5603D/27 47-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV!