samsung ln52a650

วันอังคารที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Samsung PN50A650 50-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV with RED Touch of Color

I have had the tv for about a week and it truly has changed my family's viewing habits. We have FIOS and the HD picture quality is breathtaking. I am using for the first 100 or so hours the settings suggested by Samsung, so everything is turned down a bit; I cannot wait until I can see the full capabilities of this set.

Now on to the buying experience: A few weeks ago, when the price at Amazon was $1399 I placed an on line order for the set; the anticipated delivery was Feb 26th. I called each and every day to check to make sure everything was ok with the order...."no problem" was the response from customer service each and every time. Finally on Friday the 27th when I clearly new something was amiss due to my credit card not being charged I got a supervisor on the line; he apologized profusely, etc, etc. He told me he would check on it Sat or Monday and certainly email me what the deal is. Saturday I get an email that they are out of stock, "sorry."

To say that I was not pleased would be an understatement; I ended up purchasing it from another online store, received it without issue and am pleased.

Lesson Learned: NEVER buy anything but books from Amazon again. I plainly do not trust or believe what I am told.Buy Samsung PN50A650 50-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV with RED Touch of Color!

